Good times bro

After a long day out, I know you always want to relax whenever you come home to your pad — just take off your shoes, put on some music and just chill or nap on your bed for a bit.

But what if your shoes start getting in the way of the doorway because of the other pairs lying there? What if you have to crawl under the table to plug the charger for your phone because it’s about to die playing music? What if laying on your bed feels a bit uncomfortable?

Irritation, inconvenience, discomfort — stress. Nobody wants stress!

Whether you’re at home, in your car or out with friends, minding your user experiences keeps the good times rolling.By observing your feelings, actions and reactions towards your arrangements — all part of your UX — you can pin-point which specific factors cause you to be in certain dispositions.

You set a maximum number of shoes left by the door and add an easily accessible surge protector by the table side. After adding a pillow top, no more waking up on the wrong side of the bed because you now have the right setup for your bed.

By paying attention to your UX, you’ll never have to sweat the small stuff because there won’t be any.

It’s NOT always a good time

I feel you. You have to work overtime tonight, help a buddy move and you also have to cook dinner. Your mood is already on the downside to begin with but what you probably don’t realize is that there are some potential issues that you might encounter along the way.

Sitting on that ergonomic chair too long will cause you to slouch and give you back pains. That U-Haul lift gate is really convenient and does save your back but can be dangerous if operated improperly. Not knowing about the fire extinguisher safety pin will keep you from putting an unexpected kitchen fire out.

Unfamiliarity, confusion, accidents — injuries. Nobody wants injuries!

With your well-being as one of its top priorities, UX serves as a safety guideline for designing tools and environments.

By considering human physiology, logic and psychology — all part of your UX — UX studies provide a ton of precautionary measures to your engagements.

Your option of using a stand up desk in the office for prolonged hours of work helps prevent a lot of health hazards. Having a fail-safe U-Haul lift gate with easy-to-understand controls protects you from getting hurt. A fire extinguisher designed with a clearly visible pull pin can save you from a disaster.

No worries — UX got your back.

Relax, I got this

You got it. You know exactly where to put that big TV you’ve been wanting to get and you can’t wait to catch up on the Game of Thrones episodes over the weekend at the comfort of watching from your very own room.

But where in the living room can you move your work desk once you’ve replaced it with the TV stand? What if you like having your friends over watching episodes with you but there’s not enough space in your room? What happens when GoT is over?

Lack of brainstorming, planning and strategy — wastefulness. Nobody wants to be wasteful.

With yourself and other users in mind, taking a UX standpoint helps clarify your objectives.

By conforming it with your requirementsgoals and purpose, — all closely considered in your UX — UX helps justify and determine the value of your plans.

You could just set the TV in the living room so everyone can watch comfortably and go wild. Or, instead of a TV, maybe you can get a projector and just stream from your laptop so you can marathon through episodes from your wall or ceiling. Then again, if you’re not watching any other shows aside from Game of Thrones, is it even worth buying that TV?

With all the distractions, UX helps you keep your eyes on the prize.

Cool UX stories bro

True UX stories bro. From those examples, notice how things just simply get better when you look closer at user experiences?

Observation, design, application, validationinnovation.

Studying your engagement results, UX studies give you a user-centered mindset guiding you to make things better for you and for others. Under UX lenses, you absorb a holistic perspective of your experiences helping you to change and continually improve them.

Change is good and UX is all about positive change.

Why UX is Important
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